kindergarten Archive

The Three Piggy Opera

If you’re reading this between 11:30 AM ET and 12:00 PM ET on April 9, 2014, I can guarantee what I’ll be thinking about. The Three Piggy Opera The Three Piggy Opera is a performance my son, R, will be in during that time. ...Read More

Getting to School Early

One day, last week, R and I arrived at school drop-off early. Twenty-five minutes early. This never happens. Never. We were the first ones waiting in the school parking lot due to the freezing temperatures. I had decided to drive him that day, instead ...Read More

I forgot my kid at school

Today, I forgot my kid at school. The story is a classic scheduling screw-up–specifically, my screw-up, my parenting fail–caused by an extra busy time at work, by stressors in my personal sphere, and by an imperfect calendaring system. Here’s what happened: my son, R, is ...Read More

The Walk to School

We walk to school today in the rain. My son, with his red backpack and Batman umbrella, holds my hand as we walk up the driveway and across the street. We wave to the second-grader around the corner who rides the bus. With the ...Read More