Weekend Reading, 6.20.14


Isn’t she gorgeous? I’ve been waiting so long for the peonies in my yard to bloom. Last night, as I pulled into my driveway from work I saw this beauty waiting for me. “Hello, I’m here,” she seemed to say. “I am worth the wait.” And, she is.

I skipped a Weekend Reading post last week. Did you miss it? I did. So, I’m coming back into the groove with this week’s post, which includes more-than-the-usual number of links to love, organized into categories (I’m trying something new with the categories – what do think?). Enjoy, my friends!

Women, working, and education:

Heathy choices and food:

Parenting and kids:

  • I loved this birth story.
  • The parenting apps we all wish we could download from iTunes
  • The fine line between free range parenting and neglect
  • This post offers helpful strategies to combat summer learning loss.

Fun and pretty: 




  1. June 20, 2014
  2. June 21, 2014